Instant Citation Tool

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Copy & paste your source. You can select a source type, or press cite. We'll do the rest!

Cite & search for data. We'll search multiple databases and check new data for accurary.

Check, edit, and export. Save to Google Drive, Word, and more!  More features coming soon.

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The Instant Citation Generator

Our goal: Create a tool that's 10X better than the next best thing.

The result: We built a program that can crawl 10 or more sites at once, find all the necessary information, and format that data in MLA or APA in under 11 seconds... Considering our next best competitor takes around 11 minutes to generate the same citation we're feeling pretty good! As of January 10th 2018, you can only cite books and websites, but you can cite them quickly. 

Over the coming months, we'll add journals, newspapers, and other types of sources in MLA and APA format. We are also looking into adding Chicago Style.

MLA Website Citations

"The 4-Hour Workweek - Wikipedia." 3 Jun. 2013.,

Formatically can create nearly perfect MLA website citations. Tyler built a program that can search almost any website for the author, titles, dates, etc. and it feels instant. Give it a try! Pick any website (preferably one you would use in a scholarly paper) and see how it works.

Every now and again you'll need to update the web citation with a bit of info we couldn't find/pull from the site. This happens when a web developer doesn't correctly structure the page. For example, sometime website owners will place the name of the article inside an image without providing text that a computer can see.

MLA Book Citations

Ferriss, Timothy. The 4-Hour Work Week. Random House, 2011.

We get all of our book data from Google's Book API. An API is a tool for pulling information from one site (Google) and displaying it on another (Formatically). When you search the name of a book, the author, or a random quote we ask Google to check for books in their database of MILLIONS of books, articles, journals, etc. for matches. 

We return the books with images, so you don't have to waste any time reading through every option. Just find the book cover that matches yours and click. We'll instantly assemble the information in MLA or APA as per your request.

APA Website Citations

(2013, June 3). The 4-Hour Workweek - Wikipedia. Retrieved January 11, 2018, from

The program we use to crawl the web for APA citation data is nearly the same as the program we use to find MLA citation data. The only difference is the amount of data we collect. APA and MLA are not only formatted differently, but they require different data. For example both APA and MLA require the published date, but only APA requires the date that you accessed the data.

APA Books Citations

Ferriss, T. (2011). The 4-Hour Work Week. Random House.

Our APA book citation generator is just like the MLA book generator. We go to Google for data, display the results as a list of possible books with images, and all you have to do is click the book! If any information is missing, we'll let you know above the citation. There will be a "__% complete" indicator. When the citation is 100% complete you're ready to download or copy and paste.

The Fastest Citation Generator Online

You have to be 10 times better than second best” is a quote from the Investor and Founder Peter Thiel in a talk he gave a few years back. We took the idea to heart and built a citation tool that is MORE than 10x better than the next best thing.

Below are a few quick comparisons of Easybib's, CitationMachine's, and Bibme's MLA & APA citation generators. They make us happy 😀

Easybib® vs. Formatically's Instant Citation Search

Easybib takes  50+ clicks to create 10 citations vs. Formatically takes just 2 clicks.

Easybib takes 11+ minutes to create 10 citations vs. Formatically about 11 seconds.

Advertising (01/11/2018)

This is Easybib's homepage ads. 80% of their homepage is advertising.

Easybib was the citation generator Tyler and I used growing up. It pulled accurate information 9/10 times and didn't take too long to use. Unfortunately, they've added more advertisements and extra steps. It's been getting worse.

APA is locked behind a paywall. You'll need to sign up for $9.99 monthly subscription to access the same information in APA format (Accurate in January 11th 2018).

CitationMachine® vs. Formatically

CitationMachine takes 50+ clicks to create 10 citations vs. Formatically takes just 2 clicks.

CitationMachine takes 10+ minutes to create 10 citations vs. Formatically about 11 seconds.

Advertising (01/11/2018)

Citation Machines homepage. It's 75% advertising

Citation Machine was the most popular site for creating APA citations. It has all the features- and ads- that Easybib has minus the paywalls. You can sign up for Citation machine to save your MLA and APA citations, remove the ads, and access a few extra features.

Bibme® vs. Formatically

Bibme takes 50+ clicks to create 10 citations vs. Formatically takes just 2 clicks.

Bibme takes 10+ minutes to create 10 citations vs. Formatically about 11 seconds.

Advertising (01/11/2018)

Bibme's homepage. It's also 80% advertising.

Bibme is an interesting website. It seems like the company who purchased almost every citation tool on the internet has been investing their resources here. The site is a tad buggy, but will eventually be able to check for spelling and grammar, plagiarism, and help you insert in-text citations. They are building out a feature set comparable to one of Formatically's advertising partners, Grammarly.

That other stuff aside, Bibme is just another Easybib style generator. Lots of steps, lots of ads, and okay data. We're biased, but we think Formatically has everyone else beat.

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  • All trademarks and tradenames used in price comparisons are acknowledged to be the copyright of their respective owners.
  • Prices and product descriptions in price comparisons are as published by the named suppliers on their website on the specified date.
  • Prices are subject to change and may vary at any time without notice.
  • The prices shown exclude VAT, delivery charges, special offers, promotions, etc. which may alter the price payable by the customer.
  • Price comparison information is for personal use and guidance only and does not constitute any contractual representation, warranty or obligation on our part.
  • Liability for errors, omissions or consequential loss is expressly disclaimed.
PRIVACY DISCLAIMER: Any content submitted through the Books API, including your name or nicknames, may be made publicly available on Google services as described by the Books Privacy Policy at and Help Center article at